[full_width]We believe in embracing plants that are naturally suited to California’s Mediterranean Climate. Dry hot summers and a temperate frost free winters create a semi-arid landscapes of subtle grey and gold tones. Gardens must reflect the land on which they grow. Pairing plants and climate is key to gardening in the future. California’s fair weather opens a world of opportunity, and some challenges, where plant palettes are concerned.[/full_width]
[one_fourth] Vibrant Color [/one_fourth][one_half]Where more is more. Tons of contrast and saturated colors for those with bold taste.[/one_half][one_fourth][rb_button style=”headed” decoration=”arrow” color=”light” link=”../gallery/vibrant-color/” target=”_self” label=”Gallery”] [/rb_button][/one_fourth][clear][/clear]
[one_fourth] Subtle Palette [/one_fourth][one_half]Where sophistication is quiet. Mixing cool tones and muted colors to achieve a subtle layering of contrast and texture.[/one_half][one_fourth][rb_button style=”headed” decoration=”arrow” color=”light” link=”../gallery/subtle-palette/” target=”_self” label=”Gallery”] [/rb_button][/one_fourth][clear][/clear]
[one_fourth] California/Mediterranean [/one_fourth][one_half]Embracing all the plants that are native to a Mediterranean climate. These include familiar plants from the Mediterranean (our climate’s eurocentric namesake) and native Californians along with exotics from South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and coastal Chile.[/one_half][one_fourth][rb_button style=”headed” decoration=”arrow” color=”light” link=”../gallery/california-mediterranean/” target=”_self” label=”Gallery”] [/rb_button][/one_fourth][clear][/clear]
[one_fourth] Succulent [/one_fourth][one_half]Xeroscapes or irrigationless gardens for the conservationist, where only the most drought tolerant plants survive. For an arid vacation feel think Palm Springs or Las Vegas.[/one_half][one_fourth][rb_button style=”headed” decoration=”arrow” color=”light” link=”../gallery/succulent/” target=”_self” label=”Gallery”] [/rb_button][/one_fourth][clear][/clear]
[one_fourth] Old World [/one_fourth][one_half]Old favorites receive an update with unexpected modern twists. There is freedom and order within th formal confines of classical gardens. Formal gardens can run the risk of being predictable. Adding unexpected elements makes formal garden speak the now and then.[/one_half][one_fourth][rb_button style=”headed” decoration=”arrow” color=”light” link=”../gallery/old-world/” target=”_self” label=”Gallery”] [/rb_button][/one_fourth][clear][/clear]